You can make an impact in the lives of students today with a gift to our school and ensure the future of Queen of Grammar School.
The goal of fundraising at Queen of Peace Grammar School is to sustain the school both today and for many years to come. Gifts to QPGS may be made in a number of ways.
Checks may be mailed to:
Queen of Peace Grammar School
21 Church Place
North Arlington, NJ 07031
Many companies have a matching gift policy that may double (or more) a contribution made to QPGS, made by an employee of the company. Visit your human resources office to see if your company matches gifts.
Queen of Peace always welcomes in-kind gifts and services. Contact the Advancement Office for information about the current needs of the School. We are currently raising funds for a playground. If you wish to dontate, please reach out to or donate to our gofundme:
Appreciated securities can provide an attractive means of giving. Through this type of gift, an individual can receive a charitable income tax deduction and avoid paying tax on the “capital gains” that would be due if the stocks were sold. A gift of securities may be made by transferring the stock to Queen Of Peace. It should not be sold to a broker; it must be transferred, which is a simple process.
Remembering Queen of Peace Grammar School in your will or trust is a special way to ensure the continued excellence of Catholic education for future generations. A donor can indicate a certain item, an amount, or a percentage (the residue) of their estate – the remainder after all other heirs have been provided for.
Queen of Peace Grammar School may be named as the beneficiary of an insurance policy. If the ownership of the policy is transferred to the School, there may be attractive tax advantages.
An individual may donate real estate, artwork, a coin collection, jewelry or other tangible personal property and receive tax benefits. It may be something that the School can use or something that can be liquidated to provide funds for other purposes.
There are many ways that an individual can make a gift to Queen of Peace and receive income for life in return. Through one of a number of planned gift options, the donor can place cash, securities, or other assets in trust, for example, and continue to receive income from the trust. Upon the donor’s death or that of a beneficiary, or at some pre-determined time, the trust terminates and the fund is transferred to Queen of Peace Grammar School. These life-income gifts often provide income as well as capital gains and/or estate tax benefits.