Please join us for an Open House on Wednesday February 19th!

School Profile

Mission Statement

The Mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace Grammar School, an extension of the Christian family, is to empower our students with Catholic teachings, morality and traditions as well as knowledge, academic and technological skills that will prepare them to embrace future challenges in a diverse and ever evolving world.


The primary goal of the program of instruction in our grammar schools is to provide learning experiences in a Catholic environment that will assist the students in their religious, spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development.


  • We believe that every student is a child of God, made in his image, with goodness and purpose.
  • We believe that exposure to and participation in the Mass, sacraments, prayer and tradition further develops the student’s Catholic identity.
  • We believe that student involvement in the many opportunities for service deepens and strengthens moral character.
  • We believe that the parents are a vital part of the learning team and an influential force in the entire learning process.
  • We believe that the teacher, as motivator and guiding force, is an important influence of the learning posture of all students.
  • We believe that every student can learn when the individual learning style is consistently addressed.
  • We believe that the social interaction between peers, educators, parents and staff leads to true connectivity in a productive learning atmosphere.
  • We believe that collaboration and real world applications of learning are essential to the learning process.
  • We believe that establishing a sense of responsibility encourages the student’s growth and independence.
  • We believe that participation in public speaking and the arts promotes self-confidence within the student.
  • We believe that the daily integration and implementation of technology provides a basis for membership in the global community.
  • We believe that a positive learning environment cultivates the desire for continued attainment of and interest in all learning which is a lifelong process.

School Advisory Board

The role of the School Advisory Board resets exclusively in the areas of strategic planning, finance, facilities, marketing and development activities. The Queen of Peace Grammar School School Advisory Board leadership will foster an environment which promotes Catholic values, long-term strategic planning and financial stability. The role of the SAB complements and supports the school’s mission to nurture through its religious and academic curriculum and extracurricular programs the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and social growth of each student.

Athletic Programs

Queen of Peace offers an sports program for boys and girls in grades 3-8 that allows our students to grow both physically and socially as they compete with their peers from around the region.

Profile of a Graduate

  • It is our hope that, as a result of his/her education at Queen of Peace Grammar School,
  •        … a graduate will demonstrate the quality of his education by:
  • mastering state required academic skills in a chosen high school program
  • using academic learning strategies and critical thinking skills in future academic pursuits
  • becoming a cooperative team member valuing collaboration especially when problem solving
  • developing the ability to be an innovative and effective communicator
  • employing technological skills and concepts in educational endeavors
  •        …a graduate will live their Catholic faith by:
  • becoming a productive Christian member of society
  • providing service to the Church and the community
  • developing a sense of morality which will be a guide in making moral based decisions
  • adhering to the tenets and traditions of the Catholic Church
  •        …a graduate of Queen of Peace Grammar School will become a person who exhibits the following traits: 
  • charity, compassion and empathy especially for those in need
  • acceptance of and respect for a diverse culture – remembering all people are created equal
  • cooperation and accountability when working with others toward a common goal
  • self-confidence to assume the role of a leader


Queen of Peace Grammar School exists to be a Catholic School, an extension of the Christian family. Our purpose is to unite Christian and secular teachings and values for those entrusted to our care. We promote spiritual and academic growth, as well as the physical, social and psychological development involved in the formation of our students. By encouraging a love and respect of God, self, and of all life, we strive to instill in our students a love of learning and the understanding that all education is a lifelong process.


Queen of Peace Grammar School will continue to be a leading Catholic educational community of faith and knowledge that empowers our students with an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of our multicultural society. We will continue to provide opportunities to establish technological proficiency in all of our students. We will continue to encourage an awareness of the issues of health and safety that challenge us in the rapidly changing 21st century.

The Queen of Peace Grammar School Advisory Board is comprised of the following members:

Rev. Anthony Di Stefano – Pastor

Linda Jacewich – Principal

Paula Alves – Home and School Association President

Kathy Kiszka

Randy Mayer

Diane Cardoso

Nelson Alves

Doreen Cantaino

Asbestos Compliance Statement

As per the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s “Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act” [(AHERA) 40 CFR Part 763], an inspection for the presence of asbestos-containing materials has been completed, and an Asbestos Management Plan developed, for Queen of Peace Grammar School.

The inspection report and management plan file are available for review in the school office during normal school/office hours, M-F, 8AM-3PM. Upon request, copies will be provided for a reasonable charge.

As required by the USEPA, additional inspections of the school are conducted every six months by properly accredited staff of the Archdiocese of Newark.