Welcome to the Queen of Peace Grammar School Supply List page! To ensure your child is prepared for the upcoming school year, we’ve organized our supply lists by grade. Simply click on the relevant grade to view the required supplies and take advantage of our visual kits. Each kit showcases the cheapest prices and allows you to add each product to your Amazon cart with ease.
Click on your child’s grade level to view the detailed supply list. You will also find a visual kit for each class, making it simple to see the supplies needed and purchase them at the best prices.
Each supply list includes a visual kit that provides:
Make sure your child starts the school year fully prepared by using our easy-to-navigate supply lists and visual kits. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
One (1) box of spoons
Three (3) paper towels
Four (4) baby wipes
Four (4) Disinfectant wipes
One (1) can of Lysol
Three (3) tissue boxes
Four (4) glue sticks
One (1) sandwich ziplock bags
One (1) gallon ziplock bags
1 Marble Composition Book
3 Boxes of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes in September, 2 boxes in January
2 Boxes of Baby Wipes in September, 2 boxes in January
2 Roll of Paper Towels in September, 1 roll in January
2 Boxes of Tissues in September, 1 box in January if needed
1 Can of Lysol Spray in September, 1 can in January
3 Large Elmer Washable Disappearing Glue Sticks
1 Box of Large Ziplock Bags
1 Box of Sandwich Size Ziplock Bags
1 Box of Plastic Spoons, 1 Box of Plastic Forks
2 Yellow Highlighters
3 Containers of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes (2 in September and 1 in December)
3 Containers of Baby Wipes
4 Rolls of Paper Towels (2 in September and 2 in December)
4 Boxes of Tissues
1 Large Elmer Washable Disappearing Purple Glue Sticks
1 Box Large Zip Lock Bags and 1 Box Sandwich Ziplock Bags
1 Can of Lysol Spray
1 Small Package of Plastic Cups
1 6-pack of small water bottles
3 Boxes of Baby Wipes
3 Boxes of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes
4 Rolls of Paper Towels
3 Boxes of Tissues
2 Lysol Sprays
2 Boxes Fat Jumbo Crayola Crayons (primary colors) Box of 8 only
3 Fat Jumbo Glue Sticks
Child Safety Scissors
1 large plastic pencil/crayon box
2 regular pencils
Erasers – big size
1 Headphones or Earbuds in Ziploc bag – must have wire – NO bluetooth
1 Clear Storage Box with lid (shoebox size)
2 boxes of Crayons
10 sharpened pencils (please sharpen nightly)
1 pencil case
1 box of markers
1 box of colored pencils
1 plain blue folder
10 glue sticks
2 pairs of scissors
1 roll of paper towels
1 box of tissues
1 large box of baby wipes
1 clorox disinfecting wipes
1 ruler – 12 inches
1 set of headphones or Earbuds in ziplock bag – must have a wire – NO
1 Clear Storage Box with lid (shoebox size ONLY)
Pencils – 24 Sharpened
Chlorox Wipes
Soft Zip Pencil Case
Crayons – 2 Packs
Paper Towels
Markers – 2 Packs
Hand Sanitizer
Scissors – Small Blunt Tip
Glue Sticks – 6
Pencil Sharpener
Stylus Pen
2 highlighters
1 – 12 inch ruler including inch and centimeter markings
4 Marble Composition Books
5 Folders (2-pocket)
1 Large pencil case (soft and zippered)
1 Small pencil case (soft and zippered)
Erasable black or blue pens
2 Erasers
2 highlighters
1 box of crayons or colored pencils,
1 pack thin markers
1 black Sharpie (thin)
1 pair of scissors
8 glue sticks
Supply of #2 lead pencils
1 pencil sharpener
2 box of tissues
1 box of baby wipes
Clorox wipes
1 Medium size hand sanitizer
1 Headphones or Earbuds in ziplock bag- must have wire – NO bluetooth
1 Clear Storage Box with lid (SHOE BOX SIZE ONLY)
1 1/2 inch binder with clear pocket in front
2-3 packages of filler paper
1 package of dividers for binder(5 sections)
1 12-inch ruler with inch and centimeter markings
3 Marble composition notebooks
7 2-pocket folders
24 Sharpened #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)
2 pink erasers
1 pencil sharpener
1 pair of scissors
12 blue or black erasable pens
2 highlighters
2 Box of 24 Crayola crayons
1 Box of 10 Crayola markers
12 glue sticks
1 medium hand sanitizer
4 box of tissues
4 rolls of paper towels
2 Lysol wipes containers
1 Headphones or Earbuds in Ziploc bag – must have wire(no Bluetooth)
1 Clear Storage Box with Lid(Shoe Box size)
1 Soft pencil case
1 1/2 inch binder with clear pocket in front
2-3 packages of filler paper
1 package of dividers for binder(5 sections)
8 – Marble Notebooks (No Trappers/Binders – No Spiral)
5 Folders
Several black, blue and red ink pens
Several black ultra-thin sharpies
1 Box of #2 pencils
1 Box of colored pencils
Several highlighters
Wite-Out (Dryline preferred)
Markers, Crayons, Scissors, Glue Sticks, Erasers, Rubber Cement
4-Pack of Expo Dry Erase Markers & White Board Eraser
1 – 12 inch ruler with inch and centimeter markings
1 Soft Pencil Case
1 Pencil Sharpener
2 Boxes of Tissues in September, 2 Boxes in January, and 1 roll of Paper Towels
2 Containers of Clorox Wipes
1 Headphones or Earbuds in Ziploc bag – must have wire – NO Bluetooth
1 Clear Storage Box with lid (shoebox size ONLY)