Please join us for an Open House on Wednesday February 19th!

National Junior Honor Society

About the NJHS

The Queen of Peace Grammar School chapter of the National Junior Honor Society, Carpe Diem, was established in 2005 to recognize and encourage academic achievement at QPGS.

The mission of the Carpe Diem chapter is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage citizenship.

Criteria for Selection

Criteria 1

To be eligible for membership, the candidate must be a member of grade 6, 7 or 8. Candidates must have been in attendance at the school for a minimum of two trimesters. Should the student be a transfer from another school, the principal of Queen of Peace will seek a recommendation from the previous principal, or the Faculty Council may waive the trimester regulation.

Criteria 2

Candidates must have attained First Honors two of the three trimesters prior to the Annual Induction Ceremony which will take place during Catholic Schools Week. Candidates will also be monitored for excessive tardiness, misbehavior and detention assignments during each trimester.

Criteria 3

Candidates must maintain First Honors each trimester to remain a member of the National Junior Honor Society. Candidates who do not meet this requirement will be put on probation. Candidates who are excessively late, or who have received multiple detentions for misbehavior, may also be put on probation. Academic or behavioral probation will be allowed once each school year. If the candidate exceeds this allowance, he or she will be removed from the National Junior Honor Society.

Criteria 4

The nomination of each new member to the chapter shall be by majority vote of the Faculty Council. A letter of acceptance must be signed and returned to the NJHS Moderator, Christine Santi.

Criteria 5

A description of the selection procedure shall be widely available to all students and parents of the school.