Please join us for an Open House on Wednesday February 19th!


Queen of Peace Grammar School (QPGS) provides a wide variety of technology access for students. Our goal as a school is to provide technology to promote educational excellence. Technology access has been established for a limited educational purpose that shall be consistent with the school’s curriculum and the State Standards. The term “educational purpose” includes academic activities, career development, and approved limited, high-quality web-based learning. All students and parents/guardians must sign a copy of this agreement and return it to the student’s teacher prior to being allowed to use QPGS Technology.

The use of technology at Queen of Peace Grammar School is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to make responsible, ethical and appropriate use of computers and information services at all times. Network and computer services include: use of personal and school computers and laptops, the Internet, SMART board, e-mail and all associated software.

Technology Policy

Technology Terms and Conditions – Failure to follow these rules and standards can result in the suspension of the student’s accounts, and/or other disciplinary action.

  1.  Acceptable Use – The purpose of technology is to support research and education providing access to unique resources. The use of your account must be for educational purposes only and directly related to the instructional objective at the time of use.
    a. By signing this form, parents and students consent to the terms of use and privacy policies of all QPGS subscriptions. This information can be obtained from the QPGS Technology Integrator.
  2. Privileges – The use of technology and the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use can result in a cancellation of those privileges. To ensure the health, safety and security of all students, QPGS reserves the right to monitor the use of its technology and email systems. You are to have no expectation of privacy with respect to any computer hardware, software, email, or other computer electronic means of communication or storage.
  3. Network Etiquette – You are expected to follow the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
    a. Use existing programs and computer setups as established by QPGS staff.
    Changes to computer programs or setups on computers are limited to QPGS Technology Integrator.
    b. Use appropriate language.
    c. Promote positive communication and digital citizenship. Do not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that violates the school’s rules (such as text or pictures that are inappropriate, threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to harass; i.e., cyber bullying).
    d. Sending of unsolicited or mass emails is not allowed.
  4. Safety and Security – Student safety and security on all computers and accounts is a high priority.
    a. If you can identify a security problem on the school network, you must notify a teacher immediately.
    b. Do not use other users’ individual accounts or share your password with anyone.
    c. Do not give out your own or someone else’s personal information such as last name, address, phone number, email address, or screen name.
    d. Images of students are not to be used as profile pictures.
  5. Vandalism – Vandalism will result in a suspension of your computer privileges. Vandalism is any attempt to damage a computer or to intentionally upload a computer virus. You do not have permission to install any software programs or download any programs from the Internet to the computers.
  6. Responsibility – Students are to exercise digital citizenship within our school community and the community at large.
    a. Academic Integrity – copying and pasting work from the Internet into your work without proper citation is plagiarism.
    b. Follow the rules for acceptable use of information on the Internet and copyright law (use of photos, graphics, etc.).
    c. Immediately report any problems you see to a teacher.
  7. School Community – Any inappropriate conduct off campus that negatively impacts our school learning environment will be investigated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

1:1 Device Integration

Queen of Peace Grammar School is proud to announce that we have a 1:1 technology integration for grades K-8. Integrating technology into our classrooms provides our students with the opportunity to solve analytic problems with real world approaches. 


For grades K-2, students are issued a iPad.


For grades 3-8, students are issued a Chromebook.

Student Email

Things To Know First

Every student at Queen of Peace Grammar School from Pre-K – 8 receives a school issued email. 

Why you need it:

  • You will need a student email address to be able to meet with your teacher virtually over Google meet.
  • You will need it to be able to communicate with your teacher in all school related matters.
  • You will need it to be able to access google classroom if you are in 3rd grade and above.

Virtual Resource Guides

How to Access:

  • First thing you have to do to set up you student email is: Open the gmail page and click on “Sign in”, you can access that through this account:
  • Your teacher provided your email address. Ex.
  • Type it on the window where it says “Email” ● Click on “Next” after typing your student email.
  • Your teacher provided your temporary password. ● Type it on the window where it says “Email” ● Click on “Next” after typing your temporary password. ● Now, set your own password and be sure to write it in a safe place.
  • You will need to accept the new terms and agreement with Google.
  • Your email will now be active for use.

Remote Instruction

Things To Know First

In case we all go into remote instruction, this is the information you will need to help your child connect with the teachers.

  • ACTIVATE your child’s QPGS email address. Back in September, you received an email from your homeroom teacher with your child’s email address and the temporary password, along with the instructions on how to activate it. Example:
  • Such an email address is also a google login address. If you have lost that information, please contact your homeroom teacher again.
  • FIND THE GRAY WAFFLE. Once you are logged into google with your child’s QPGS email address, you will see a gray waffle like icon on the top right corner of the screen. Click on it and find the GOOGLE MEET app and tap on it.
  • JOIN THE MEETING. After you click on the Google meet icon, you will find the join screen. Click on “Join or Start a Meeting” and enter the teacher’s nickname. After that, click on “CONTINUE” and you will find your teacher’s video session. Each teacher has a different nickname for each particular class.
  • COLLECT ALL YOUR NICKNAMES. Make sure your child has all his/her teachers’ nicknames handy to be able to switch between classes. You can find those in the QPGS app under your teacher’s profile.

GRADES: Pre-K - 2nd

We are using Seesaw for Schools; students can just sign in with their school email address to access all of their classes. Once students sign in to Seesaw, they stay signed in for up to 1 year.

  1.  Open the Seesaw Class app on an iPad or go to
  2. Tap “I’m a Student.”
  3. Students or helping parents tap “Sign in with Google” and type in their school email and password to sign in.

GRADES: 3rd - 8th

We are using Google Classroom. Students must sign into google with their QPGS email address and go to the same gray waffle as above and they will find the Google Classroom app. Click on the app and they can find all of their classes and their assignments on the main dashboard.

Virtual Resource Guide


Things To Know First

PowerSchool is a leading school operations student information system solution for educational institutions that allows interaction with faculty, students and parents has been simplified, making it the most user-friendly system on the market. PowerSchool allows QPGS to improve communication and transparency between parents, students, and teachers.

  • To access PowerSchool, you can either go through the PowerSchool website at You can also download the PowerSchool from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store using the links below.
  • Please Note: To login to the PowerSchool Mobile app on your mobile device, you will need to provide a District Code. Use the code NDSR.

Download the App


If you are in need of any assistance regarding your PowerSchool account, please your form below.